No.16 Cricket Netting - 3m High c/w Vermin Skirt
3m High No 16 Cricket netting, with net protection vermin skirt which is designed to help prevent damage to the bottom of the netting. The 500mm high skirt is stitched to netting and made from black mesh with an 18mm bottom rope.
Please Note: All recommended nets and extras must be purchased separately (unless stated as included with product) and can be found listed by clicking the View Set and Buy button. Please ensure that all boxes are ticked for the required product before proceeding to checkout.
- Unit: Metre
- Weight: 0.22kg
3m High Harrod Sport No 16 Cricket netting, with net protection vermin skirt which is designed to help prevent damage to the bottom of the netting. The 500mm high skirt is stitched to netting and made from black mesh with an 18mm bottom rope.
- UV Resistant.
- 50mm square mesh.
- 2mm thick black polypropylene netting with selvedged edges.
What's Included
Quantity dependent on size required
Additional Info
Surround netting sold per metre.
Roof netting sold per square metre.
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No.16 Cricket Netting - 3m High c/w Vermin Skirt
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