Harrod UK get into the Cake Break Spirit for MS.

The national Cake Break raised over £285,000 in 2014 thanks to all the amazing supporters.
This money has helped the leading national charity, the MS Society to fund vital research into the cause and cure for MS.
Harrod UK were pleased to support the charities national Cake Break campaign by donating some lovely Harrod UK pink and white netball posts as a competition prize for the lucky school that held the best Cake Break.
A representative of the charity, Jemima Woolgar said, 'It's important to us that we involve and engage schools in Cake Break and were therefore very pleased when Harrod UK chose to help us encourage participation by providing a further incentive to get involved.'
Abbey Barnard, Marketing Co-ordinator at Harrod UK said, 'We're delighted to have had an opportunity to reward the winning school not just for raising the greatly needed money required for research, but for helping spread awareness of multiple sclerosis in the process.'
Register for your free fundraising Cake Break pack today and help the MS Society in May 2015 by emailing cakebreak@mssociety.org.uk.
For more information on the MS Society, please head to www.mssociety.org.uk